Reflections and Hope NME Covid

Reflections and Hope

Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash, Posted by Nellie Mae Ed. Fdn.   2020: a year unlike any other, plagued by a pandemic, death, job loss, evictions, and the continued murders of Black people at the hands of law enforcement. And at the same time, we have seen communities come together, respond with strength and love to…

Our Work Continues NME Racial Education

Our Work Continues

Posted on by Nellie Mae Ed. Fdn.     Every Vote Counts | Nikkolas Smith (IG: @nikkolas_smith) | Commissioned by Culture Surge   Democracy has spoken — voters have selected new leaders to move us forward to a better future. It’s time we come together to ensure the will of the people prevails. We know that our work to advance racial…

The Boston Globe Nellie Mae Education Foundation NME

Are The Kids Really Alright?

Are The Kids Really Alright? By Nellie Mae Ed. Fdn.   Reopening Our Region’s Public Schools Amidst a Pandemic and Racial Reckoning A year unlike any other, we’ve witnessed the deep inequities in our society laid bare by the two pandemics of COVID and systemic racism. During this session, Nick Donohue, President and CEO of…

Sharing Commitments NME

Sharing Our Commitments

  Photo by Tim Dennell, Posted by Nellie Mae Ed. Fdn.   Over the course of this year, we’ve witnessed the deep inequities in our society laid bare by the two pandemics of COVID and systemic racism. We’ve seen how these forces have disproportionately negatively affected Black, Brown and Indigenous communities. As a philanthropic organization, we…

Continuing to whitewash our public institutions will only harm our future prosperity as a nation NME

Continuing to whitewash our public institutions will only harm our future prosperity as a nation

Posted by Nick Donohue   Allison Shelley for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action   This past week, Donald Trump directed federal agencies to eliminate anti-racism training examining white privilege and critical race theory, calling them “a sickness that cannot be allowed to continue.” And just last month, he shared a two-point education platform for…

Rest as Revolution NME

Rest as Revolution

Posted by Nellie Mae Ed. Fdn.   “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” — Audre Lorde   Rest is an integral but often neglected aspect of any movement — sufficient rest rejuvenates our minds and bodies and allows us to bring our best selves to our work. We recognize…

Reopening New England Schools

Posted by Nellie Mae Ed. Fdn.   As New England communities grapple with what learning will look like in the fall, we’ve sponsored a series of conversations across the region that have invited families, educators, young people, health professionals, and others to discuss what equitable reopening will look like. We invite you to watch recordings…