Allen A. BostonPARTNER (RETIRED), ERNST & YOUNG, LLP Allen Boston served clients in a wide range of industries during his 36-year career with Ernst & Young, a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction, advisory and strategic growth markets services. Now a retired partner, Mr. Boston’s leadership with the firm extended beyond client service; as the…
Stephanie CheneySENIOR MANAGER, GRANTS & SPECIAL PROGRAMS Stephanie Cheney is the Nellie Mae Education Foundation’s Senior Manager of Grants and Special Programs. Her responsibilities include supporting the assessment, review and management of the Foundation’s program systems and finances and the alignment of program activities in accordance with the Foundation’s mission and strategic objectives. Stephanie…
Paul MarshINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGER Paul Marsh is the Nellie Mae Education Foundation’s Information Technology Manager. He joined the Foundation in 2000. He is responsible for the day-to-day operations providing the staff with a secure, user-friendly infrastructure while maintaining five 9’s. Paul has been providing a technology roadmap in the ever-changing world of technology that provides…
Michael G. Williams Jr.PROGRAM OFFICER Michael G. Williams Jr. is a Program Officer at the Nellie Mae Education Foundation where his primary focus is capacity building. Previously, Michael worked at Duet, a non-profit that partners with the University of Southern New Hampshire to help students of color enroll in and complete degree programs. Prior…
Marcos Lucio PopovichDIRECTOR OF GRANTMAKING Marcos Lucio Popovich joined the Foundation in 2015. He currently serves as the Director of Grantmaking where he leads the overall design and implementation of the Foundation’s grant funds, grantmaking processes, and grantee engagement approaches. Prior to entering philanthropy, Marcos served as Director of Operations at the U.S. Hispanic…
Kathiana AmazanPROGRAM ASSOCIATE Kathiana Amazan, a first-generation and former Boston Public Schools student, serves as Nellie Mae’s Program Associate where she supports various grants management efforts and manages special projects. She also partners with different Foundation staff members to operationalize systems and practices. Prior to joining Nellie Mae, Kathiana was the Operations Coordinator for the…
Doreen Bergstrom ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Doreen Bergstrom joined the Nellie Mae Education Foundation in 2009 and serves as the Foundation’s administrative assistant. Doreen supports the administrative needs of the Programs, Policy, Communications, Information Technology, and Research departments. She is the person who keeps the Foundation going each day. Previously, Doreen was a receptionist at Columbia Electric Supply…
Alexis HarewoodSENIOR PROGRAM OFFICER Alexis Harewood has been with Nellie Mae since 2017 and she serves as a Senior Program Officer. Alexis leads the Amplifying Youth Voice & Leadership grant fund, as well as provides support for other grant funds including the Supporting Organizations Led by People of Color and Rapid Response grant funds. …