George R. Greenidge, Jr.
George R. Greenidge, Jr. is the Founding Executive Director of Greatest MINDS, a Boston-based Black-led nonprofit focused on mentoring young people as they explore college, career, citizenry, and volunteerism as a way to bring about positive change in civil society. In his capacity as a non-profit executive, academic, and consultant, George has pursued diversified partnerships with national and local policymakers, foundations, high-wealth individuals, corporations, and non-profit leaders to support his positive community development work. His research focuses on the use of qualitative research methods in policy development and program evaluation. In 2023, George was the keynote speaker for the Harvard University Affinity Celebration Honoring Black Graduates. He was picked by Harvard faculty, staff, and students for his outstanding work and vast experiences as an activist, a community leader, a thought leader, and his career of supporting graduates from historically marginalized and underrepresented communities.