We believe all young people should have access to rich, supportive, and challenging educational experiences that affirm who they are and prepare them to thrive in school, community, and the workforce.

Making that belief a reality lies in the power of our communities in New England. Together we can ensure that students are seen, understood, and their unique needs are met.

We invest in community-rooted solutions that advance our mission of championing efforts that prioritize community goals, address the long-standing barriers that prevent equal access to opportunities, redesign systems to ensure race and ethnicity don’t determine success, and advance excellent, student-centered public education for all New England youth.

At the core of our strategy is a commitment to continuous learning and evaluation and elevating the voices of those least well-served to ensure our investments make the greatest impact.

Our Grantmaking Strategy

We believe all young people should have access to rich, supportive, and challenging educational experiences that affirm who they are and prepare them to thrive in school, community, and the workforce.

Making that belief a reality lies in the power of our communities in New England. Together we can ensure that students are seen, understood, and their unique needs are met.

We invest in community-rooted solutions that advance our mission of championing efforts that prioritize community goals, address the long-standing barriers that prevent equal access to opportunities, redesign systems to ensure race and ethnicity don’t determine success, and advance excellent, student-centered public education for all New England youth.

At the core of our strategy is a commitment to continuous learning and evaluation and elevating the voices of those least well-served to ensure our investments make the greatest impact.



Our grantees do essential work across the region to ensure students have the resources, support, and opportunities necessary to succeed in the classroom and beyond.

We use grantmaking resources to:


Strengthen the local ecosystem of youth, educator, parent and community organizations that support schools to better see, understand, and meet the unique needs of students.


Increase the number of school, district, and state education leaders with the knowledge, skill, and will to enact policies and practices that reliably produce academic outcomes and developmentally rich experiences for all students regardless of their background.


Support people and organizations to come together to build shared vision and a pathway to refine K-12 financing and eliminate student access and achievement gaps.


Educate, engage, and activate through narrative storytelling,  research, and field building.